Forest Thrones
And he usually does. With enthusiasm! (That's him, middle of photo, sun highlighting his ears as he flies around a bend in the trail.)
Finn and I went for a hike this morning. I'm nursing a sore calf and taking a weekend off from running. But Finn's not injured. He wants - needs - to run. So off we went to Tiger Mountain, to a trail I haven't been on since I moved to Idaho in 2005. This trail is open to mountain bikes in the summer, so I figured it would be a good training opportunity for Finn, to teach him to avoid cyclists.
Early on, we passed this downed tree turned into a mountain bike obstacle course. I asked Finn to sit and pose. Little did we know that this type of pose would become the theme of the morning: Sir Finn and his Forest Thrones.
Slowing my pace, walking rather than running, I was more aware of my surroundings. I took more photos than when we're running. But I didn't achieve that runner's high I always enjoy.
All the cyclists we saw this morning were incredibly polite, making sure Finn was safely out of the way before proceeding, saying hello, commenting on what a nice dog Finn is.