Double Uns
The drizzle and rain fit my mood. Feeling the double "uns" this morning - unlovely and unloved - I admit to soaking up the somber mood of the rainy weather. Yet, as I ran through the damp forest trails with Finn, I thought about how lucky I am to have three dogs who love me unconditionally. Who are always up for any adventure, on a moment's notice. Who grow exicted when I put on a pair of running or walking shoes. Who think taking a mid-day nap is the only proper and good thing to do on a day off. Who never make demands on me beyond being fed and loved. Who forgive me when I don't pay enough attention to them. Who never fail to make me laugh and lift my mood. Who always seem to know when the best, most perfect gift to give me is a kiss and a hug, which I always return in kind.
Thanks girls. And boy.
While I may wish and hope for a loving, nurturing, supportive partnership with a wonderful man (send some my may, dear reader, should you know any who are single), because it's been four way-too-long years, I also know that I'm a rich woman indeed to have these amazing animals sharing my life, here and now.