Teddy's Broken Arm
Meadow has a teddy bear. She acquired him in Idaho (a touching story, at the end of this entry), and has gently carried him around with her for years. Inside. Outside. I often find her sleeping with Teddy nearby. Maia and Finn both seem to know to not mess with Meadow's Teddy.
Recently, I realized Teddy had a broken arm! Uh oh, surgery required before further damage was incurred. I retrieved my surgical (sewing) kit.
Teddy, prepped and on the operating table, fully anesthetized.
Meadow anxiously watches from nearby. Surgery is always stressful for all involved.
Surgery over, Teddy comes out of the anesthesia to be greeted by Meadow.
Meadow decides they should leave the hospital immediately; you never know what they'll feed you at a hospital.
Meadow disappears through the dog door, taking Teddy outside to sleep off any lingering effects from the surgery and monitor his recovery.
Next day, fully recovered, Teddy's enjoying his usual place next to Meadow, who guards him from Finn. (Meadow also has one of my running socks in her mouth, yet another object she enjoys keeping from Finn.)
Teddy's History: Shortly after the girls and I moved to Idaho, in 2006, I worked for a time as Executive Director of a domestic violence crisis center. We used a small house as our office and meeting place. It had a fenced yard, so I took the girls to work with me.
For several years, some local "little old ladies" had made quilts and gathered toys for the children who needed our services. There were TONS of teddy bears throughout the house - on every shelf, chair, kitchen counter, stuffed into closets - and I gave many away. I also had to frequently tell the girls to "leave it" when they'd try to steal one - especially Meadow. She'd keep wandering into my work area with yet a new teddy bear in her mouth. Her way of suggesting I take a break, I think.
One day a woman came to the house to view a video tape about domestic violence with me. (Every victim seeking a restraining order was directed by the court to come to our office to view the video so they would understand the legal process ahead.) She was composed at first, but as she watched the tape and we discussed the signs and cycle of domestic violence, she started crying.
After a moment, Meadow wandered into the small back room where the woman and I were sitting. She had Teddy in her mouth. Meadow slowly approached the woman, then gently dropped Teddy into her lap. The woman reached out to stroke Meadow's big fuzzy head, tears flowing down her cheeks.
I was stunned by Meadow's empathy and generosity. And so proud!
Usually, the girls would greet people at the door, then pretty much ignore them. But something about this woman's demeanor, her pain, caused Meadow to do something extraordinary.
I brought Teddy home that day, for Meadow. They have been best buds every since.
Teddy's History: Shortly after the girls and I moved to Idaho, in 2006, I worked for a time as Executive Director of a domestic violence crisis center. We used a small house as our office and meeting place. It had a fenced yard, so I took the girls to work with me.
For several years, some local "little old ladies" had made quilts and gathered toys for the children who needed our services. There were TONS of teddy bears throughout the house - on every shelf, chair, kitchen counter, stuffed into closets - and I gave many away. I also had to frequently tell the girls to "leave it" when they'd try to steal one - especially Meadow. She'd keep wandering into my work area with yet a new teddy bear in her mouth. Her way of suggesting I take a break, I think.
One day a woman came to the house to view a video tape about domestic violence with me. (Every victim seeking a restraining order was directed by the court to come to our office to view the video so they would understand the legal process ahead.) She was composed at first, but as she watched the tape and we discussed the signs and cycle of domestic violence, she started crying.
After a moment, Meadow wandered into the small back room where the woman and I were sitting. She had Teddy in her mouth. Meadow slowly approached the woman, then gently dropped Teddy into her lap. The woman reached out to stroke Meadow's big fuzzy head, tears flowing down her cheeks.
I was stunned by Meadow's empathy and generosity. And so proud!
Usually, the girls would greet people at the door, then pretty much ignore them. But something about this woman's demeanor, her pain, caused Meadow to do something extraordinary.
I brought Teddy home that day, for Meadow. They have been best buds every since.