Cone of Shame
God, I hate this post-op care stage.
First the good news: Maia's surgery went very well. The hygroma is gone; the joint wasn't involved at all and the growth was cleanly removed. She got her teeth cleaned as well (might as well, as long as she's under anesthetic), and the vet said they're in great shape. Atta girl, Maia!
I picked her up at 5:30. That's when the real work began.
The vet tech warned against letting Maia drink too much all at once. But whenever I put the bowl up, she whined and paced. I made her wait 30 minutes between drinks. Eventually her thirst slackened.
She won't eat tonight. I've offered her all sorts of tasty treats. Nothing entices her. I'm hoping that will change by tomorrow morning. I suspect the pain meds have upset her stomach. I specifically asked the vet for something for that, and was given Gastracalm; I've never tried it, but gave Maia one as directed tonight. Here's hoping it helps. A calm Maia will sleep, which means I'll sleep. A whining Maia will keep us both up all night. Good thing I took tomorrow off.
It's going to be a long night for all of us.