Maia sees Meadow and Finn amping up for a romp. "Let me out! Now! I need to supervise!"
The posturing and fake-outs increase as Maia heads outside. "Hurry," Finn whispers, "before the kill joy comes out."
"OK. Start playing. I'll referee," says Maia. But there's a definite chilling of mood.
While Meadow tanks up on some water - playing is thirsty work - Finn decides to test Maia's patience with a drive-by kiss. Not a well-received ploy.
"Buzz off, Mini" Maia says. Finn is totally striking out. Meadow's more interested in her...ahem...nether regions, while Maia walks away, giving Finn her patented stern old lady look that says, "Don't try it, buster."
Finn returns to his most likely target. Meadow plays hard to get. "Aw, come on. Play."
"OK. How about this? Did I tell you the one about the blonde dog....Oh. Sorry. You are a blonde. Never mind!"
Hmm. That didn't work. She's sticking her tongue out at me, making fun of me, blowing a raspberry. Shoot. Now what?
Yeah, I guess we could nap. But what's she doing with that paw?
Hey! This playing hard to get seems to work. Now she's interested again.
"Whoa - where did that breeze come from? Can I use you as a wind break, Meadow"
Fine. I'll just talk to myself. These Malamute are so boring.