In order to make the outing more interesting for the girls, I took us up a steeper route at the start, and then down the usual trail - Elk Trail - on the way back. Six miles total Three days ago, we went up and back Elk for the same distance, not making it quite as high on the mountain but covering about the same total distance.
Today, on the way back down Elk, in a section of old snow under the trees, I saw these prints:
A little online research teaches me that black bear prints have five toes making indentations, while a cougar print is almost as big but with only four toes. Hmm. Too hard to tell, here. It could be either. Or Bigfoot.
I was a little surprised Maia didn't seem concerned about the prints; she didn't try to sniff them. Meadow wasn't very interested, either. I think the prints were fairly fresh, as they weren't full of pine needles and other debris.
A mystery. Just part of the fun of running through the forest with the girls.