My bone's better than your bone
I spied the first blooms of yellow Arrowleaf balsamroot (first photo). Finally.
Near that spot, Meadow found an old bone. As is her style, she proudly carried it, taunting Maia as if bragging about her special toy. She posed (second photo), allowing me to get several features gathered into one composition: Meadow, bone in mouth (near her cheek, making it look like she's smiling wryly) with tip of tongue hanging out as is usually the case with her; flowers in the foreground; trees and snow in the background.
We kept climbing, Maia leading the way, as always.
Then Maia found a bone. A much bigger bone.
She took it over to one of the few remaining patches of icy snow left on the road at this elevation (third photo) and began to chew.
Maia made a big deal of chewing on it, really getting into it, knowing that would make Meadow jealous. It worked. Meadow trotted up to see what Maia had, dropped her own bone, and stared (fourth photo).
Maia milked it, enjoying Meadow's envy.
Meadow consoled herself by returning to her own bone, picking it up, and moving close to Maia again. Meadow dropped her bone near Maia, almost as if to say, "Wanna trade?"
Maia was having none of it (last photo).
To allow us to keep moving up the hill, I gathered both bones and tossed them over the hillside.
Just another typical hike in the forest with the Malamutes.