Alphabet soup! But worth investigating:

My friends Alayne Marker and Steve Smith, creators and directors of Rolling Dog Ranch Animal Sanctuary in Montana, have been profiled for AARP's online bulletin. Accompanying the article is a multimedia slide show created by Mark Osler, a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist out of Colorado. The slide show is very much worth visiting. Mark has done an excellent job matching the common background sounds of daily life at the ranch to the photos, then mixing in portions of interviews with both Alayne and Steve.

You can most easily find the slide show on Rolling Dog Ranch's blog. After viewing the slide show, spend a few minutes looking at some of their other blog entries to get the full flavor of just what an amazing thing these two people have accomplished.

I'm still working on creating a book about Rolling Dog Ranch - about Alayne, Steve, and all the animals. Mark is on board to do the book's photos. It's a great story, and I can't wait to tell it in book form with Mark's wonderful photos as illustration.