Introducing Wally
I am ecstatic!
Buddy has found a home, with much maneuvering on my part. My Seattle friends adopted him Saturday afternoon. I'm so happy!
These photos were taken shortly after they brought Buddy home. You can see what a happy boy he is.
There was some earlier discussion about what name should be bestowed upon this dog I nicknamed Buddy, or sometimes referred to as Ski Dog given where he and I found each other.
They wanted a good, solid boy name, preferably something ending in "ie" or "y." I jokingly suggested Wally, saying they could name him after me (my last name, Wallick) and call him Wally for short.
They liked it.
Ski Dog a/k/a Buddy is now Wally. How cool is that?
Wally and his new humans will be traveling all the way to Seattle today. I wish them safe travels, and can't wait to get regular progress reports.