
We had too much fun on yesterday's mountain adventure.

Today was for recharging batteries.

Meadow's fine. The limp was her desperate attempt to get me to slow down. I'm chastised and humbled. I'll be more careful and pay closer attention in the future.

Maia's fine, too.

They chased each other around the yard in the early morning coolness.

Smoke was heavy in our valley all last night and most of today. Eye-burning, nose-tickling thick.The perfect excuse to stay inside. We went for a short walk just inside the forest boundary early this morning. The girls chased a couple of chipmunks. The rest of the day was easy. The girls did what they do best: napped. Ask for breakfast. Nap. Ask for dinner (early). Nap. Ask for a treat. Nap some more. A good day.