Turkey hunting season is here. And the topic of wolf hunting is ever-present in Idaho. The Idaho legislature recently passed regulations allowing for wolf hunting tags ($9.75; cheap) should the federal government take wolves off the endangered species list and turn over their "management" to the state. Wolf hunting could start as soon as 2008 here. Those excited at this prospect are both crazy and stupid enough to shoot my girls, mistaking them for wolves. After weeks of feeling constant stress about this every time we ran or hiked in the forest, I finally decided to have them wear orange vests so no one with a gun can claim they couldn't distinguish them from wolves. I hate that I have to do this. I'm thankful that the girls tolerate the vests so well. Meadow's vest I already had - it's for nighttime running in the city. The only vest I could find for Maia - even after going to Boise - is made by Remington, for hunting dogs. I disdain hunting, especially hunting based on fear and misunderstanding. I despise benefiting a hunting company by buying their product in order to protect my dogs from hunters. I loathe the idea that wolves could be - and likely will be - hunted in this state. Or any state.
These photos were taken yesterday, one in the driveway, the other on a section of forest road above the house where some snow still remains in shaded areas.